Trust the Brisbane baby whisperer to help…
Based in Brisbane but helping families worldwide, Katie Forsythe is Australia’s leading qualified baby sleep consultant. Tens of thousands of families struggling with their children’s sleep have gained the knowledge and confidence to overcome their sleep issues with just one consultation with The Baby Sleep Company. From newborn to five years of age, you can trust Katie to help your baby sleep in a down to earth completely non-judgemental environment.
Katie has walked thousands of miles in your tired shoes. Previously a single mother of a five, three and a one year old and having worked with tired families for almost a decade she has literally seen it all and absolutely nothing shocks her. You may think you’re failing your child, you may feel completely alone and incompetent, you may even have scary overwhelming thoughts that you never imagined you would have; all of these are things Katie hears every day in her work and things she remembers thinking herself when she was knee deep in nappies, rejected snacks and Peppa Pig on repeat.
No one sits at their baby shower joyfully imagining this part of parenting. We expect newborns to have trouble napping and sleeping well at night but when our children are 6 months…12 months…toddler and beyond it can be excruciating. You deserve to be the parent you imagined and a good night’s sleep is vital for happy parenting. If your child’s sleep causing you concern, contact The Baby Sleep Company to find out how we can help.
Contact Us TodayReviews
‘Incredible guidance and support’
I just wanted to thank you so much again for your incredible guidance and support. It has only been 6 nights since the overnight stay, but both myself and the kids have had 5 unbroken nights’ sleep since. I could not in my wildest dreams have expected such amazing results, so quickly, it just seems like a miracle! It has already made an incredible difference to our lives…and specifically to mine,
Sharon - Birkdale, Brisbane
Children were 5 and 3 years of age
‘Super easy to talk to‘
After a rough start to life with reflux and a string of infections of various kinds, our 9-month old son was still habitually waking 3-4 times/night. The flow-on effects of sleep deprivation were really disruptive; we had little energy or patience for work and domestic things, let alone for our 5-yo daughter. After deciding it HAD to stop, we threw some money at the problem and booked a 2-hr consultation.
Jodi - Everton Hills, Brisbane
Baby was 9 months old
‘His sleep patterns improved out of sight’
We contacted Katie when we realised our 5 month old need help settling to sleep and staying asleep! On the first night, his sleep patterns improved out of sight. He went from waking every 2 hours to waking only once a night. We have also noticed an improvement in his day sleeps as well after Katie visited. He is now so easy to settle down for each sleep (helpful when there's a 2 year old) sibling!
Sarah - Grange, Brisbane
Baby was 5 months old
‘Took the time to explain our options’
Prior to Katie coming into our lives, we were seriously sleep deprived. The night before Katie’s consultation, our 10 month old son had been up 6 times during the night and was sleeping in 1.5-3 hour blocks. I was feeding him to sleep, rocking him when that didn’t work, feeding him while rocking – anything to get him back to sleep. Days were a fog and it felt like we were missing out on life!
Melita - Eight Mile Plains, Brisbane
Baby was 10 months old
‘You have no idea what a difference it's made to us’
Just wanted to say thank you so much because it was you who talked me round and gave me the motivation and confidence to do it, even if it took me a while! You challenged some of my preconceptions about sleep and gave me the impetus to do something about it and the reassurance I wasn't being a cruel mother! So thank you very very much, you have no idea what a difference it's made to us.
Nicola - Dorset, United Kingdom
Baby was 10 months old
‘OMG amazing is all I can say‘
Just thought that I'd let you know how everything is going. What can I say....I have no complaints!!!! We went on a week’s holidays as you know, and we decided to ask each place that we stayed at if we could have a cot in the room. It was the best thing we have ever done. Our little J is in bed at 6:30 and wakes up at 6am every day. If he does stir through the night he just goes straight back to
Cassandra - Jimboomba, Queensland
Child was 22 months old
‘Changed our lives for the better’
There comes a time when you realise that you need help, professional tailored, in your house, help, because you've exhausted every method that you could possibly think of to get your child to sleep.
Caroline - Enoggera, Brisbane
Baby was 13 months old
‘Our lives have been changed for the better!‘
Katie came and saw us just after my little boy's 1st birthday. After over 3 years of sleepless nights (our first didn't sleep through the night until he was two years old), we could no longer accept that bub waking up every 45 minutes - 1 hr was normal. And even though we hoped that by his second birthday his sleep would improve just like our first-born, we couldn't wait another 12 months.
Erin - Indooroopilly, Brisbane
Baby was 12 months old

What We Do
help your baby sleep
At The Baby Sleep Company we understand that to invite someone you don’t know into your home, your life, your world and ask them to help you with something as intimate as sleep training your precious child can be quite daunting. Katie is a trained professional with nearly a decade of experience as Australia's leading baby sleep consultant and not only possesses the necessary qualifications and skills as a baby sleep consultant but who also possess the life experiences and understanding we believe is crucial to provide both genuine down to earth reassurance and support to our sleep-deprived and often emotional clients.

Who We Are
baby sleep consultant
There is very little in life that can compare to the pure joy and wonder that is a newborn baby. Indeed, the discovery that one is expecting usually brings with it promises of soft skin, sweet lullabies, infectious giggles and intimate night-time cuddles. For some new parents though, the frequency of those night-time cuddles never eases and before long the many hours spent soothing and trying to get a new little person to sleep will inevitably start to take its toll on any sleep-deprived parent. As a qualified baby sleep consultant, Katie is able to help just about any family in any situation get better sleep.

How We Help
baby sleep solutions
Unless you have lived, breathed and fought your way through the deep fog of severe sleep deprivation it is hard to understand just how debilitating and disorientating it can be. Add to that the sea of articles and research that is regularly heaped onto new parents, what with their contradictory lists of dos and don’ts for sleep advice, and it’s not hard to see why for many new parents working out how to get their little ones to sleep can be a task that at times gets all too overwhelming. As a professional baby sleep consultant, Katie cuts through the contradicting advice and misinformation and delivers clear realistic help that you are able to put into action immediately.
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